The Preparation of Compound Ferrous Flocculant by Hydrochloride Acid Pickling Waste Water and Research on Performance and Application of the Flocculant 利用盐酸酸洗废液制备复合亚铁絮凝剂及其性能应用研究
KD-800 was used in combination with iron and steel pickling waste water and polyacrylamide for a flocculation and decolorization test of printing and dyeing waste water mainly containing reactive dyes, while factors affecting decolorization, controlling conditions, etc. KD-800与钢铁酸洗废液和聚丙烯酰胺联合使用,对以活性染料为主要成分的印染废水进行混凝脱色试验,对脱色影响因素和控制条件等进行了研究。
Using pickling liquid waste water of hydrochloric acid, iron scurf and aluminiferous mine as the raw materials, a new kind of inorganic polymer coagulant-polymeric aluminum ferric silicate-chloride ( PAFCSi) was prepared. 该絮凝剂以工业废料&盐酸酸洗废液、铁屑,以及含铝矿和工业水玻璃为主要原料,合成一系列Si:Al:Fe摩尔比不同的聚硅铝铁絮凝剂。
The spent phosphating solution is first mixed with pickling waste solution to form ferrous phosphate Fe_3 ( PO_4)_2 precipitate. After seperation, the liquid is combine with rinse waste water. and treated with some lime milk before discharge. 本文将磷化废液先与酸洗废液混合,生成磷酸亚铁Fe3(PO4)2沉淀,将沉淀分离后余下的废液再与漂洗废水合并后,用石灰乳处理排放。
This article is mainly about an environmental impact analysis about the relocation project of a stainless steel pipe manufacturing enterprise, and the retrofit design of its 'pickling waste water treatment plant. 本文针对某不锈钢钢管制造企业项目迁建工程进行环境影响分析以及该企业配套酸洗废水处理站的改造设计,本文包括环境影响分析及污水站改造设计的内容。